本文最后更新于:2021年5月19日 中午
API信息 這些記錄是我自行查閲文檔/源代碼,來進行編寫的 大多數都會編寫一個小例子來進行説明
内容并不一定準確,要是發現有什麽問題,歡迎通過 Github 聯係我
@babel/parse 解析函数 babelParser.parse(code, [options]) 将提供的代码作为一个完整的ECMAScript
babelParser.parseExpression(code, [options]) 用于解析单个Expression
options 函数参数
allowImportExportEverywhere 默认情况下,import
和 export
声明语句只能出现在程序的最顶层 把这个设置为true
allowAwaitOutsideFunction 默认情况下,仅在 异步函数内部 或 启用topLevelAwait插件
时 在模块的顶层内允许使用await
allowReturnOutsideFunction 默认情况下,如果在顶层中使用return
语句会引起错误 把这个设置为true
allowSuperOutsideMethod 默认情况下,在类和对象方法之外不允许使用super
allowUndeclaredExports 默认情况下,export
一个在当前作用域下未声明的内容会报错 把这个设置为true
createParenthesizedExpressions 默认情况下,parser
errorRecovery 默认情况下,如果Babel
发现一些 不正常的代码 就会抛出错误 把这个设置为true
,则会在保存解析错误的同时继续解析代码,错误的记录将被保存在 最终生成的AST的errors
属性中 注意,那些严重的错误依然会终止解析
plugins 记录希望启动的插件的数组
sourceType 代码的解析方式,你可以填入"script"
或 "unambiguous"
sourceFilename 将输出的AST节点与其源文件名相关联 在你处理多个文件时,这个功能会很有用
startLine 默认情况下,第一行代码就是line 1
。你可以传入一个数字,作为起始行数 这个功能在你整合其他插件的时候会很有用
strictMode 默认情况下,只有在声明了”use strict”条件下,ECMAScript代码才会被严格解析 将此选项设置为true
ranges 添加ranges属性到每一个节点中
ranges: [node.start, node.end]
tokens 将所有已经解析的tokens
输出 Output Babel parser
是根据 Babel AST format 创建AST的 而Babel AST format
是基于 ESTree 规范 建立的
ESTree 代码生成对应节点文档 Babel parser 代码生成对应节点文档
Babel parser
@babel/generator 官方文档:https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-generator
generate(ast, options, code); 函数用于根据ast生成代码,可以传入一些参数
options 参数
name 参数名
type 类型
default 默认值
description 描述
Optional 在输出文件内容末尾添加的注释块文字
Optional 在输出文件内容头部添加的注释块文字
boolean or 'auto'
是否减少空格来让代码看起来紧凑一些 只是减少空格,而不是不添加
Used in warning messages
Use jsesc
to process literals. jsesc
is applied to numbers only if jsescOption.numbers
(added in v7.9.0
) is present. You can customize jsesc
by passing options to it.
Set to true to run jsesc
with “json”: true to print “\u00A9” vs. “©”;
Should the output be minified 是否压缩代码
Retain parens around function expressions (could be used to change engine parsing behavior)
Function that takes a comment (as a string) and returns true
if the comment should be included in the output. By default, comments are included if opts.comments
is true
or if opts.minified
is false
and the comment contains @preserve
or @license
function delete_comments (sourceCode ) { let ast = parser.parse(sourceCode); return generator(ast, {'comments' : false })['code' ] }
@babel/traverse index NodePath 基础属性 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f(){ var b = 123; a = ['a', 'b']; }` ;const visitor = { BlockStatement(path) { console .log('当前路径 源码:\n' , path.toString()); console .log('当前路径 节点:\n' , path.node) console .log('当前路径 父级节点:\n' , path.parent); console .log('当前路径 父级路径:\n' , path.parentPath) console .log('当前路径 类型:\n' , path.type) console .log('当前路径 contexts:\n' , path.contexts); console .log('当前路径 hub:\n' , path.hub); console .log('当前路径 state:\n' , path.state); console .log('当前路径 opts:\n' , path.opts) console .log('当前路径 skipKeys:\n' , path.skipKeys) console .log('当前路径 container:\n' , path.container) console .log('当前路径 key:\n' , path.key) console .log('当前路径 scope:\n' , path.scope) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
你会发现其中有不少值都是没有定义的,这是因为很多值都是懒加载的 而且会给与专门的方法进行获取,并不是这样直接获取的
NodePath.inList() @return bool
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const t = require ("@babel/types" );const jscode = `function square(n) { var a = 1; a += 2; if(a + 1 == 4){return a-2} return a; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { Statement (path ) { console .log('当前节点:' , path.toString()) console .log('当前语句' , path.getStatementParent().toString()) console .log('是否在列表中/是否存在兄弟节点' , path.inList) console .log('---------------------------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
replacement 替换相关
NodePath.replaceWith(replacement:Node) 方法用于将传入的 Node
替换对应 NodePath
的 Node
如果不传入 replacement
只能用 Program
类型的节点替换 根节点Program
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 const t = require ("@babel/types" );const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = `function square(n) { return n + 1; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { BinaryExpression (path ) { path.replaceWith( t.BinaryExpression("**" , path.node.left, t.NumericLiteral(2 )) ); path.stop(); } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
NodePath.replaceWithMultiple(nodes) 方法用于将传入的 多个 Node
替换对应 NodePath
的 Node
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 const t = require ("@babel/types" );const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = `function square(n) { return n + 1; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { let nodes = [ t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral("who" )), t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral("I" )), t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral("am" )), ] path.replaceWithMultiple(nodes); } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
NodePath.replaceWithSourceString(replacement:String) 此方法用 传入的源码字符串 解析成对应节点后 替换 对应NodePath
写入的内容解析成 Node
后,必须为 Expression
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const t = require ("@babel/types" );const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = `function square(n) { return n + 1; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { path.replaceWithSourceString('1 + 1' ); } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
NodePath.replaceInline(nodes) 用传入的一个或多个Node
替换对应 Node
此函数视传入的内容去调用 NodePath.replaceWithMultiple()
或 NodePath.replaceWith()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const t = require ("@babel/types" );const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = `function square(n) { return 1 + 1; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { BinaryExpression (path ) { var result = eval (path.toString()) var node = t.NumericLiteral(result) path.replaceInline(node); } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
ancestry 父级/祖先相关
NodePath.findParent(callback) @return NodePath | None
作为参数传入的判断函数进行判断 当判断函数返回true
, 则Path.findParent(callback)
, 则递归继续寻找父级, 进行判断。若已无父级,则返回null
例: 寻找当前Path的父级函数节点
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); function to_parent_function_path (x ) { if (x.isFunctionDeclaration()){return true }else {return false } } the_path = path.findParent(to_parent_function_path) console .log('to_parent_function_path 最终路径源码:\n' , the_path.toString()) function to_null (x ) {return false } the_path = path.findParent(to_null) console .log('to_null 最终路径:\n' , the_path) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
当前路径源码: a = b + 1 to_parent_function_path 最终路径源码: function f ( ) { var b = 123 ; a = b + 1 ; } to_null 最终路径: null
NodePath.find(callback) @return NodePath | None
此函数与 Path.findParent
基本相同, 但这个判断包含对 当前 NodePath
的判断 它会先对 当前 NodePath
进行一次判断. 如果自身符合条件,那就返回 当前 NodePath
例子:当前或父级 NodePath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); function to_path (x ) { if (x.isAssignmentExpression()){return true }else {return false } } the_path = path.find(to_path) console .log('to_path最终路径源码:\n' , the_path.toString()) function to_parent_function_path (x ) { if (x.isFunctionDeclaration()){return true }else {return false } } the_path = path.find(to_parent_function_path) console .log('to_parent_function_path最终路径源码:\n' , the_path.toString()) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
当前路径源码: a = b + 1 to_path最终路径源码: a = b + 1 to_parent_function_path最终路径源码: function f ( ) { var b = 123 ; a = b + 1 ; }
NodePath.getFunctionParent() @return NodePath | None
得到当前节点的第一个 父级/祖先 函数声明节点 NodePath
此方法通过调用 Path.findParent(callback)
例: 寻找 父级/祖先 函数声明节点的 NodePath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); the_path = path.getFunctionParent() console .log('最终路径源码:\n' , the_path.toString()) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
当前路径源码: a = b + 1 最终路径源码: function f ( ) { var b = 123 ; a = b + 1 ; }
NodePath.getStatementParent() @return NodePath
返回第一个 父级/祖先 声明节点的NodePath
声明节点所包含的节点类型见:Github文档 若找不到目标,会报错
例:返回第一个 父级/祖先 声明节点的 Path
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f2(){ var b = 123; return b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { Identifier (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); the_path = path.getStatementParent() console .log('最终路径源码:\n' , the_path.toString()) console .log('------------------------------------' ) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 当前路径源码: f2 最终路径源码: function f2 ( ) { var b = 123 ; return b + 1 ; } ------------------------------------ 当前路径源码: b 最终路径源码: var b = 123 ; ------------------------------------ 当前路径源码: b 最终路径源码: return b + 1 ; ------------------------------------
NodePath.getAncestry() @return Array
返回所有 父级/祖先 NodePath
例:得到当前Path的所有 父级/祖先 NodePath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f2(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); the_paths = path.getAncestry() console .log('返回类型:\n' , the_paths instanceof Array ) console .log('结果路径源码:\n' , the_paths.join('\n\n' )) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 当前路径源码: a = b + 1 返回类型: true 结果路径源码: a = b + 1 a = b + 1 ; { var b = 123 ; a = b + 1 ; }function f2 ( ) { var b = 123 ; a = b + 1 ; }function f2 ( ) { var b = 123 ; a = b + 1 ; }
NodePath.isDescendant(path) @return bool
判断当前 NodePath 是否是指定 NodePath 的后代
此方法通过调用 Path.findParent()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f2(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); console .log('儿子是爸爸的后代:' , path.isDescendant(path.parentPath)) console .log('儿子是爷爷的后代:' , path.isDescendant(path.parentPath.parentPath)) console .log('儿子是孙子的后代:' , path.isDescendant(path.get('left' ))) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
当前路径源码: a = b + 1 儿子是爸爸的后代: true 儿子是爷爷的后代: true 儿子是孙子的后代: false
NodePath.isAncestor(path) @return bool
判断当前 Path 是否是指定 Path 的后代
此方法是调用 传入的 NodePath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f2(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); console .log('儿子是爸爸的祖先:' , path.isAncestor(path.parentPath)) console .log('儿子是爷爷的祖先:' , path.isAncestor(path.parentPath.parentPath)) console .log('儿子是孙子的祖先:' , path.isAncestor(path.get('left' ))) } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
当前路径源码: a = b + 1 儿子是爸爸的祖先: false 儿子是爷爷的祖先: false 儿子是孙子的祖先: true
NodePath.inType(**NodeType_str) @return bool
对应节点,或其 父/祖先 节点 是否包含特定类型的节点 可以一次性传入多个类型,只要有一个符合就会返回 true
, 否则返回 false
例: 是否包含特定类型的节点
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f2(){ var b = 123; a = b + 1; }` ;const visitor = { AssignmentExpression (path ) { console .log('当前路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); _is = path.inType('FunctionDeclaration' ) console .log('父级或自身包含函数声明节点:' , _is); _is = path.inType('WithStatement' , 'DebuggerStatement' ) console .log('父级或自身包含 with 或 debugger:' , path.inType(_is)); } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
当前路径源码: a = b + 1 父级或自身包含函数声明节点: true 父级或自身包含 with 或 debugger : false
NodePath.getDeepestCommonAncestorFrom(paths, filter) @return NodePath | 自定义
对应节点的 最大深度共同祖先节点的Path
当 paths
当 paths
长度为0时,返回 null
当 paths
当 paths
计算 最大深度共同祖先节点 的Path
函数,那么返回结果会作为参数进行回调。返回结果变为filter(最大深度共同祖先节点Path:NodePath, 深度:int, 所有path的祖先信息:list);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f(){ function f3(){ function f1(){return 1;} function f2(){return 2;} return 3; } }` ;let paths = []const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { console .log('路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); paths.push(path) if (paths.length > 1 ){ _is = path.getDeepestCommonAncestorFrom(paths) console .log('最大深度的共同祖先节点 源代码:' , _is.toString()); } } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 路径源码: return 1 ; 路径源码: return 2 ; 最大深度的共同祖先节点 源代码: { function f1 ( ) { return 1 ; } function f2 ( ) { return 2 ; } return 3 ; } 路径源码: return 3 ; 最大深度的共同祖先节点 源代码: { function f1 ( ) { return 1 ; } function f2 ( ) { return 2 ; } return 3 ; }
NodePath.getEarliestCommonAncestorFrom(paths) @return NodePath
获取多个 NodePath
对象的 最早出现的共同祖先 方法会遍历计算,共同祖先一旦出现, 则返回,不再继续计算所有的 NodePath
此方法是调用 getDeepestCommonAncestorFrom(paths, filter) 方法,传入固定的filter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;var jscode = ` function f(){ function f3(){ function f1(){return 1;} function f2(){return 2;} return 3; } }` ;let paths = []const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { console .log('路径源码:\n' , path.toString()); paths.push(path) if (paths.length > 1 ){ _is = path.getEarliestCommonAncestorFrom(paths) console .log('最早的共同祖先节点 源代码:' , _is.toString()); } } }let ast = parser.parse(jscode); traverse(ast, visitor);
family 主要用于获取同级/前后 NodePath
NodePath.getSibling(key) @return NodePath
通过父级,获取同级节点的 NodePath
或 其它内容
如果传入数字,则尝试获取 同级节点 指定位置的 NodePath
如果传入数字,则尝试获取 父级节点 指定位置的 NodePath
也可以传入一些特殊的key, 获取一些特殊的内容。
可以使用 NodePath.listKey
属性 查看可以获取的key
例: 寻找其它内容
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` function x(){ console.log('code 1'); console.log('code 2'); var a = 1; console.log('code 3'); console.log('code 4'); } ` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { VariableDeclaration (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:\n' , path.toString()); console .log('---------------------------------------------' ); console .log('第1个兄弟的源码' , path.getSibling(0 ).toString()); console .log('第2个兄弟的源码' , path.getSibling(1 ).toString()); console .log('第3个兄弟的源码' , path.getSibling(2 ).toString()); console .log('第4个兄弟的源码' , path.getSibling(3 ).toString()); console .log('第5个兄弟的源码' , path.getSibling(4 ).toString()); console .log(path.listKey) console .log('---------------------------------------------' ); } } traverse(ast, visitor);
当前节点源码: var a = 1 ; --------------------------------------------- 第1 个兄弟的源码 console .log('code 1' ); 第2 个兄弟的源码 console .log('code 2' ); 第3 个兄弟的源码 var a = 1 ; 第4 个兄弟的源码 console .log('code 3' ); 第5 个兄弟的源码 console .log('code 4' ); body ---------------------------------------------
NodePath.getOpposite() @return Node
获取相对的对位节点 (left 与 right)
此函数通过调用 NodePath.getSibling(key)
, 传入 当前节点的 left
或 right
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var a = 1 + 9; ` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { NumericLiteral (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:\n' , path.toString()) console .log('对应节点源码:\n' , path.getOpposite().toString()) console .log('----------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
当前节点源码: 1 对应节点源码: 9 ---------------- 当前节点源码: 9 对应节点源码: 1 ----------------
NodePath.getPrevSibling() @return Node
获取同级前一个节点的 NodePath
此函数源码就一句 return this.getSibling(this.key - 1);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var a = 1 + 9; a = a + a; console.log(a); console.log(b); ` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ExpressionStatement (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:\n' , path.toString()) console .log('同级前一个节点源码:\n' , path.getPrevSibling().toString()) console .log('----------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
当前节点源码: a = a + a; 同级前一个节点源码: var a = 1 + 9 ; ---------------- 当前节点源码: console.log(a); 同级前一个节点源码: a = a + a; ---------------- 当前节点源码: console.log(b); 同级前一个节点源码: console.log(a); ----------------
NodePath.getNextSibling() @return Node
获取同级后一个节点的 NodePath
此函数源码就一句 return this.getSibling(this.key + 1);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var a = 1 + 9; a = a + a; console.log(a); console.log(b); ` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ExpressionStatement (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:\n' , path.toString()) console .log('同级后一个节点源码:\n' , path.getNextSibling().toString()) console .log('----------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
当前节点源码: a = a + a; 同级前一个节点源码: console .log(a); ---------------- 当前节点源码: console .log(a); 同级前一个节点源码: console .log(b); ---------------- 当前节点源码: console .log(b); 同级前一个节点源码: ----------------
NodePath.getAllPrevSiblings() @return Array
获取当前节点前的兄弟节点的 NodePath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var a = 1 + 9; a = a + a; console.log(a); console.log(b); ` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ExpressionStatement (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:\n' , path.toString()) const pre_nodepath = path.getAllPrevSiblings() console .log('前面的兄弟节点源码:' ) for (var nodepath of pre_nodepath){ console .log(nodepath.toString()) } console .log('----------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 当前节点源码: a = a + a; 前面的兄弟节点源码:var a = 1 + 9 ; ---------------- 当前节点源码: console .log(a); 前面的兄弟节点源码: a = a + a;var a = 1 + 9 ; ---------------- 当前节点源码: console .log(b); 前面的兄弟节点源码:console .log(a); a = a + a;var a = 1 + 9 ; ----------------
NodePath.get(key, context) @return NodePath
如果不传入 context
参数, 则以当前 NodePath
如果传入,则以传入的 NodePath
如果想要获取更多层级的子孙,可以用 .
获取某个单个属性节点 .名字
获取某个节点的第 x 个节点 .x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = `function square(n) { var a = 1; return 1 + 1; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { FunctionDeclaration (path ) { var p1 = path.get('body' ) console .log('body 子节点源码:\n' , p1.toString()) var p2 = path.get('body.body.0' ) console .log('body.body.0 子节点源码:\n' , p2.toString()) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
body 子节点源码: { var a = 1 ; return 1 + 1 ; } body.body.0 子节点源码: var a = 1 ;
NodePath.getBindingIdentifiers() @return dict(Node}
用于获取当前 NodePath
所包含的 Identifier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const t = require ("@babel/types" );const jscode = `function square(n) { var a = 1; a += 2; return a; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { exit (path ) { if (t.isProgram(path)){return ;} console .log('当前节点:' , path.toString()) console .log('当前语句' , path.getStatementParent().toString()) let _ids = path.getBindingIdentifiers() if (_ids == null ){return ;} console .log(_ids) console .log('--------------------------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
removal 移除相关
NodePath.remove() @return null
标识为会被设定,内容会被设定为只读 如果再次执行remove
例:删除 path 对应的节点
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = `function square(n) { var a = 1; return 1 + 1; }` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { VariableDeclaration (path ) { path.remove() } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
function square (n ) { return 1 + 1 ; }
scope 此模块与作用域相关
Scope 和 作用域 相关的内容被定义在了 Scope类 中 这个类定义位于 @babel/traverse/lib/scope/index.js
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function squire(i){ return i * g * i; } function i() { var i = 123; i += 2; return 123; } ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { VariableDeclaration (path ) { console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('--------------------------------' ) sc = path.scope console .log('这个对象是否已经初始化:' , sc.inited) console .log('uid 属性' , sc.uid) console .log('cached 属性' , sc.cached) console .log('node 属性' , sc.node) console .log('作用域节点:' , sc.block) console .log('作用对应的path:' , sc.path.node == sc.block) console .log('labels 属性' , sc.labels) console .log('绑定 的信息:' , sc.bindings) console .log('--------------------------------' ) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
Scope.parent @return Scope | undefined
此方法通过引用其 Scope.path
属性的 PathNode.findParent()
方法 获取对应PathNode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function squire(i){ return i * g * i; } function i() { var i = 123; i += 2; return 123; } ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { VariableDeclaration (path ) { console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('--------------------------------' ) sc = path.scope console .log('parent结果:' , sc.parent) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
这里是 var g = 1;
parent结果: undefined
这里是 var i = 123;
parent结果: Scope {
uid: 0,
block: Node {
type: 'Program',
start: 0,
end: 118,
loc: SourceLocation { start: [Position], end: [Position] },
sourceType: 'script',
interpreter: null,
body: [ [Node], [Node], [Node] ],
directives: []
path: NodePath {
parent: Node {
type: 'File',
start: 0,
end: 118,
loc: [SourceLocation],
errors: [],
program: [Node],
comments: []
hub: undefined,
contexts: [ [TraversalContext] ],
data: null,
_traverseFlags: 0,
state: undefined,
opts: { VariableDeclaration: [Object], _exploded: true, _verified: true },
skipKeys: null,
parentPath: null,
context: TraversalContext {
queue: [Array],
parentPath: undefined,
scope: undefined,
state: undefined,
opts: [Object],
priorityQueue: []
container: Node {
type: 'File',
start: 0,
end: 118,
loc: [SourceLocation],
errors: [],
program: [Node],
comments: []
listKey: undefined,
key: 'program',
node: Node {
type: 'Program',
start: 0,
end: 118,
loc: [SourceLocation],
sourceType: 'script',
interpreter: null,
body: [Array],
directives: []
scope: [Circular],
type: 'Program'
labels: Map {},
inited: true,
references: [Object: null prototype] { g: true, i: true, squire: true },
bindings: [Object: null prototype] {
g: Binding {
identifier: [Node],
scope: [Circular],
path: [NodePath],
kind: 'var',
constantViolations: [],
constant: true,
referencePaths: [Array],
referenced: true,
references: 1,
hasDeoptedValue: false,
hasValue: false,
value: null
squire: Binding {
identifier: [Node],
scope: [Circular],
path: [NodePath],
kind: 'hoisted',
constantViolations: [],
constant: true,
referencePaths: [],
referenced: false,
references: 0,
hasDeoptedValue: false,
hasValue: false,
value: null
i: Binding {
identifier: [Node],
scope: [Circular],
path: [NodePath],
kind: 'hoisted',
constantViolations: [],
constant: true,
referencePaths: [],
referenced: false,
references: 0,
hasDeoptedValue: false,
hasValue: false,
value: null
globals: [Object: null prototype] {},
uids: [Object: null prototype] {},
data: [Object: null prototype] {},
crawling: false
Scope.rename(oldName, newName, block) 更改绑定名称,更改后会牵连所有引用的位置,留意是否会造成问题
例: 重命名绑定
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = ` function a(n){ return n * n } ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { FunctionDeclaration (path ) { path.scope.rename("n" , "_x_" ); } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
function a (_x_ ) { return _x_ * _x_; }
Scope.dump() return null
输出到自底向上的 作用域与被绑定量的信息
- i { constant: false , references: 0 , violations: 1 , kind: 'var' } - squire { constant: true , references: 0 , violations: 0 , kind: 'hoisted' } - i { constant: true , references: 0 , violations: 0 , kind: 'hoisted' }
作用域 以#
划分,此处有两个作用域 FunctionDeclaration
与 Program
被绑定量 以最前方设置-
constant 量 在声明后,在作用域内是否为常量(不会被修改) 实际上对应对应量的 Binding
references 被引用次数 实际上对应对应量的 Binding
violations 量 被 重新定义/赋值 的次数 实际上对应对应量的 Binding
kind 函数声明类型。常见的有:hoisted
变量, local
内部 实际上对应对应量的 Binding
实际上这些信息大部分 (以一个被绑定量,一个 Binding
对象的方式)储存在 Scope.bindings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` function squire(i){ return i * i * i; } function i(){ var i = 123; i += 2; return 123; } ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { "FunctionDeclaration" (path){ console .log("\n\n这里是函数 " , path.node.id.name + '()' ) path.scope.dump(); } } traverse(ast, visitor);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 这里是函数 squire() ------------------------------------------------------------ # FunctionDeclaration - i { constant: true, references: 3, violations: 0, kind: 'param' } # Program - squire { constant: true, references: 0, violations: 0, kind: 'hoisted' } - i { constant: true, references: 0, violations: 0, kind: 'hoisted' } ------------------------------------------------------------ 这里是函数 i() ------------------------------------------------------------ # FunctionDeclaration - i { constant: false, references: 0, violations: 1, kind: 'var' } # Program - squire { constant: true, references: 0, violations: 0, kind: 'hoisted' } - i { constant: true, references: 0, violations: 0, kind: 'hoisted' } ------------------------------------------------------------
Scope.parentBlock(name) @return Node
获取 作用域路径 的父级 它的源码就一句 return this.path.parent;
例: 获取作用域路径的父级
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){return g;} function b(){var z=2; return z;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { var n = path.node.argument.name console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('结果:' , path.scope.parentBlock) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
这里是 return g;
结果: Node {
type: 'Program',
start: 0,
end: 69,
loc: SourceLocation {
start: Position { line: 1, column: 0 },
end: Position { line: 5, column: 0 }
sourceType: 'script',
interpreter: null,
body: [
Node {
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
start: 1,
end: 11,
loc: [SourceLocation],
declarations: [Array],
kind: 'var'
Node {
type: 'FunctionDeclaration',
start: 12,
end: 35,
loc: [SourceLocation],
id: [Node],
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [],
body: [Node]
Node {
type: 'FunctionDeclaration',
start: 36,
end: 68,
loc: [SourceLocation],
id: [Node],
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [],
body: [Node]
directives: []
这里是 return z;
结果: Node {
type: 'Program',
start: 0,
end: 69,
loc: SourceLocation {
start: Position { line: 1, column: 0 },
end: Position { line: 5, column: 0 }
sourceType: 'script',
interpreter: null,
body: [
Node {
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
start: 1,
end: 11,
loc: [SourceLocation],
declarations: [Array],
kind: 'var'
Node {
type: 'FunctionDeclaration',
start: 12,
end: 35,
loc: [SourceLocation],
id: [Node],
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [],
body: [Node]
Node {
type: 'FunctionDeclaration',
start: 36,
end: 68,
loc: [SourceLocation],
id: [Node],
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [],
body: [Node]
directives: []
Scope.getBinding(name) @return Binding
在作用域中获取指定的 Binding
如果在 当前作用域 找不到指定的 被绑定量,那么就会递归在父级作用域中寻找
例:获取指定的 被绑定量对象
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){return g;} function b(){var z=2; return z;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { var n = path.node.argument.name console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('被绑定量:' , path.scope.getBinding(n)) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
Scope.getOwnBinding(name) @return Binding
传入一个名称,从当前的 作用域 中拿到指定的 Binding
对象 实际上方法的源码就一句return this.bindings[name];
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){var a=1;return g;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { var n = path.node.argument.name console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('获取挡墙定义域里 a的Binding,结果:' , path.scope.bindings['a' ]) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
Scope.getBindingIdentifier(name) @return Node | void 0
获取指定的 Binding
方法作用域获取 Binding
,再通过这个 Binding
这个方法通过 Scope.getBinding(name)
方法获取 Binding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){return g;} function b(){var z=2; return z;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { var n = path.node.argument.name console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log(n, '的定义:' , path.scope.getBindingIdentifier(n)) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
Scope.getOwnBindingIdentifier(name) @return Node|void 0
获取指定的 Binding
,并通过这个 Binding
获取其定义的节点 这个方法只关注 当前作用域,并不会去上级作用域中寻找
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){return g;} function b(){var z=2; return z;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { var n = path.node.argument.name console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log(n, '的定义:' , path.scope.getOwnBindingIdentifier(n)) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
这里是 return g ;g 的定义: undefined 这里是 return z ;z 的定义: Node { type : 'Identifier' , start : 53 , end : 54 , loc : SourceLocation { start : Position { line : 4 , column : 17 }, end : Position { line : 4 , column : 18 }, identifierName : 'z' }, name : 'z' }
Scope.hasOwnBinding(name) @return bool
获知当前作用域是否有某个 Binding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){return g;} function b(){var z=2; return z;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { var n = path.node.argument.name console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('当前作用域有 绑定 z:' , path.scope.hasOwnBinding('z' )) console .log('当前作用域有 绑定 g:' , path.scope.hasOwnBinding('g' )) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
这里是 return g; 当前作用域有 绑定 z: false 当前作用域有 绑定 g: false 这里是 return z; 当前作用域有 绑定 z: true 当前作用域有 绑定 g: false
Scope.hasBinding(name, noGlobals) @return bool
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` var g = 1; function a(){return g;} function b(){var z=2; return z;} ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { ReturnStatement (path ) { console .log("\n这里是" , path.toString()) console .log('作用域有 被绑定变量 z:' , path.scope.hasBinding('z' )) console .log('作用域有 被绑定变量 g:' , path.scope.hasBinding('g' )) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
Binding Binding
对象用于存储 被绑定在作用域的量 的信息 你可以在 @babel/traverse/lib/scope/binding.js
Binding属性 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const jscode = ` function a(){ var a = 1; a = a + 1; return a; } function b(){ var b = 1; var c = 2; b = b - c; return b; } ` ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { BlockStatement (path ) { console .log("\n此块节点源码:\n" , path.toString()) console .log('----------------------------------------' ) var bindings = path.scope.bindings console .log('作用域内 被绑定量 数量:' , Object .keys(bindings).length) for (var binding_ in bindings){ console .log('名字:' , binding_) binding_ = bindings[binding_]; console .log('类型:' , binding_.kind) console .log('定义:' , binding_.identifier) console .log('是否为常量:' , binding_.constant) console .log('被修改信息信息记录' , binding_.constantViolations) console .log('是否会被引用:' , binding_.referenced) console .log('被引用次数' , binding_.references) console .log('被引用信息NodePath记录' , binding_.referencePaths) } } } traverse(ast, visitor);
@return None
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const generator = require ("@babel/generator" ).default;const jscode = ` var a = 1 + 9; ` ;const ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { NumericLiteral (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:\n' , path.toString()); path.addComment('trailing' , "注释" , false ); } } traverse(ast, visitor);console .log(generator(ast)['code' ])
@babel/types utils
Types.shallowEqual(actual, expected) @return bool
传入一个字典进行 key
, value
获取 actual
的值与 value
如果有一个不一致,那么返回 false
, 否则返回 true
其定义在: @babel/types/lib/validators/generated/index.js
const parser = require("@babel/parser"); const traverse = require("@babel/traverse").default; const t = require("@babel/types"); const jscode = 'var a=1; var b=1+1;'; let ast = parser.parse(jscode); const visitor = { enter(path){ console.log('当前节点源码:', path.toString()) console.log('其属性name为a:', t.shallowEqual(path.node, {'name':'a'})) } } traverse(ast, visitor);
validators Types.isNodeType(node, opts) @return bool
这些函数定义在 @babel/types/lib/validators/generated/index.js
if( 没有node ) return false
== 声明类型
) return false
else if( 没有opts ) return true
else return types.shallowEqual(node, opts)
例: 判断节点是否符合判断
const parser = require ("@babel/parser" );const traverse = require ("@babel/traverse" ).default;const t = require ("@babel/types" );const jscode = 'var a=1;var b=1+1;' ;let ast = parser.parse(jscode);const visitor = { enter (path ) { console .log('当前节点源码:' , path.toString()) console .log('是 Identifier' , t.isIdentifier(path.node)) console .log('是 Identifier 且其属性name为a:' , t.isIdentifier(path.node, {'name' :'a' })) } } traverse(ast, visitor);